July 06, 2011

Campaign Report - The Price of Freedom - 01

Last sunday, july 3rd, we gathered for our first game session. We've met before to discuss what kind of campaign we wanted, but this would be our first time actually playing. The group is composed of 7 people, me as the DM and 6 friends. For the first time I can recall my group has an equal number of female and male members.

This first session only 4 out of the 6 players showed up (one was traveling and the other was sick). The characters created were the following: Eben, a male battlemind mul, that after helping the rebellion to free Tyr of Kalak decided to set higher objectives and spread the good wherever he would go; Arbitria, a female half-elf Sentinel Druid, that, despite her relationship with the spirits of Athas, is more interested in taking advantage over those spirits to achieve her goals;  Abbadon, a male human Scout Ranger, a former Templar of Tyr that abandoned his post during the rebellion and now lives as a head-hunter and mercenary; and Althea, a female eladrin seeker, who lost her home to the defilers of Athas and now roam the world in search for vengeance and a meaning to survive. The party formed because of the circumstances in Tyr and the need to get resources to survive in the chaotic states of affair in the city.

The party was contacted by a former arena master, Jumana, to transport a small cargo for the small House Ghadir to Urik. The reward was set to 400 gold bits.

After a small descend out of the Tyr Valley the group was ambushed by a band of slavers, and after a harsh combat they ended up victorious and in possession of 100 silver bits, 50 gold bits, a letter describing the slavers capture of the son of a noble in Tyr (with a psionicist) and a prisioner, Vorkul, a dwarf mercenary. Also, they found 3 unconscious victims of the bandits behind a hill and decided to help them.

The party made a camp in a small valley between 2 hills where they could find some fruits and cactus to harness some water. The night was calm enough to let the PCs get an extended rest. But when the sun raised they discovered that Vorkul was gone. They quickly decided to go after him and leave the 3
people they rescued in charge of the cargo they were supposed to take to Urik.

It did not take long for them to find Vorkul, he was prone next to a really big cactus. When Eben tried to get near him thorny tentacles came out of the Cactus and grabbed him, starting to drain his blood. Taking advantage of the confusion, an Id Fiend decided to make a meal out of the adventures and joined the battle. This was a very exciting combat, I made the cactus creature out of another plant creature with some different stats and attacks and the Id Fiend was a though creature for the group. They had quite a blast in this combat, and so did I. In the end they found a sketch of a map in possession of Vorkul that they assume leads to the bandits hideout.

The next session will take from that point. I am going to have to introduce at least 2 new character and maybe a third, the player of Arbitria is thinking about changing characters.

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